Reloading Equipment and Supplies

Reloading Equipment and Supplies

Following is a current inventory - as of  April 1, 2025  - of some of our relaoding equipment and supplies for sale.23


Accurate No. 11FS Handgun Powder  $39.99
Hodgdon Pyrodex P Pistol  $27.99
Hodgdon Pyrodex RS Rifle/Shotgun  $24.99
Hodgdon Pyrodex Select Rifle/Shotgun  $31.99
Ramshot Enforcer  $31.99
Winchester Winclean 244  $38.99

Currently None 


We have a selection of once-fired cleaned and deprimed brass on hand $12-$25


Lee APP (Automatic Processing Press)  $119.99
Dillon Electric Casefeeder  $250.00
Lyman Lube Sizer  $40.00


Lee Carbide 3-Die Set .38 Special/.357 Mag  $42.99
Lee Carbide 3-Die Set .45 ACP/.45 Auto Rim $42.99
RCBS Precison Mic .30-06 Product #88324  $20.00
RCBS S B Die Set .30-06 Product# 14803  $25.00


 We have a variety of different caliber reloading bullets  $20-$150